"In many provinces a 'Lay Project' was started," says Fr Diego Villalobos, coordinator of the project in Bolivia. In Cochabamba on 12 March Fr Villalobos, in collaboration with the Delegate for Youth Ministry, led the project planning meeting with the International Volunteers for Development (VIS), and the Projects Office of the Province of Bolivia.
"This project is not meant only to train those who are sensitive to the Salesian charism in our works, or even only to ensure that the laity can help us carry out some service. The meaning is deeper. We want to rediscover together the vocation to Christian and Salesian life. This means sharing formation and feeling we are sent to be signs and witnesses of God's love to the poor and disadvantaged, in particular young people," said Fr Villalobos.
The Province of Bolivia is taking important steps to respond to this call of the Church, of the Congregation and of the young. For this the Provincial and his Council have formed the provincial team for the "Lay Project", now recognized as fundamental.
"For 2016 we are committed to implementing the Provincial Organic Plan which includes other projects and economic plans, that is to say, the Restructuring Plan, the Lay Project and the Preferential Option" said Rosalynn Motiño.
The presence of the laity in the Salesian life and mission will serve to revitalize deeply the action on behalf of poor young people to whom the whole congregation is sent. The 24th General Chapter summarized it in this way: "consecrated and lay Salesians share the same spirit and the same mission."