The General Councilor for Social Communication, Fr Filiberto González, the Delegates of Communication of America, and Fr Ángel Prado, Superior of the Central American Province, took advantage of this space to reflect on how to place and set communication at the service of the Salesian mission, to do the greatest good possible, through evangelization, education and information.
The communicators identified strengths and weaknesses and established agreements to work together. Despite some weaknesses, it has been recognized that in the Provinces there are, indeed, initiatives and information and that communication as a transversal process in the educative-pastoral communities has grown in importance, its contribution to the mission of educating and evangelizing increasingly appreciated and the advantages positioning and image generate acknowledged.
The motto of the meeting was "Go online, on the networks and publish the Gospel", because in a digital world, permeated by social networks, young people must be reached in the "new courtyards, or playgrounds", which in addition to giving the opportunity to reach more people, help to create communion, announce the Gospel, spread values and promote good.