Argentina – "Donating by eating out:" an app that offers a double benefit

28 July 2017

(ANS - Buenos Aires) - For many "digital immigrants," apps (applications) have no clear features or connotations. For "digital natives," instead, it seems almost impossible to live without them. No doubt, though, digital media is changing people's lives. And it's not a novelty that there are apps designed to help and sustain many people who have less. South Argentina's "Ceferino Namuncurá" Province (ARS) has created the "Salí donando" app (literally: I went out to donate), a new way of helping the poor, and also obtaining an individual benefit for oneself.

Users of the "Salí donando" free application can now go out and eat out with their family or friends, and receive a discount at the local restaurant and make a donation to the Salesian house in Argentina through partnered restaurants.

By going out for lunch or dinner to the restaurants in the agreement, a percentage – already known in advance - of the incurred expense will be donated by the owner to the charity pf choice. When delivering the bill, the waiter will provide a code that will be loaded into the application and will allow the donation to be destined to the chosen charity - including the Salesian house.

"We are firmly convinced that going out to eat can become an opportunity to donate a percentage of what we would otherwise spend at the restaurant to a charity, be offered a discount, and choose which charity or NGO to donate to at that moment," explains the creators of the initiative.

At present, nine well-known and popular Argentine restaurants have joined the program, and they serve organic products, traditional foods and various food options for those who not only wish to eat well but also to help those who have less.

For more information about the app, please visit the ARS Salesians website, or download it at Google Play



ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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