The Congress on "Youth Ministry and Family" was born following the promulgation of "Amoris Laetitia"; as a first step, the Salesian Congregation initiated a consultation through a letter and questionnaire sent by the Rector Major to every Province asking them to respond with their experiences on the subject.
Four months from now, representatives of every Province shall meet for the second stage, the Madrid Congress, to inspire reflection on the themes of Youth Ministry and the Family.
Both Pope Francis and his predecessor Benedict XVI have repeatedly and explicitly asked the Salesians of Don Bosco to reflect on and work on this issue since in the education and evangelization of young people "it is extremely important that the family be an active subject."
At the Congress' official website - - the names of conference speakers opening sessions every morning will be available. The agenda also includes sessons wherein all participants form regional working groups to compare, ponder and look for common points in view of the concluding sessions of the Congress.
Each day will also offer the opportunity to listen to and present Good Practices already consolidated in the various pastoral contexts in which the Congregation is present.
Finally, each participant will be able to attend one of the 8 themed Mini-Courses being offered on a daily basis led by experienced teachers from several continents, for a total of 8 hours.
More information on Good Practices and Mini Courses will soon be available on the official website.
Meanwhile, every Salesian Province, in the person of their Provincial and Youth Ministry delegates, is already selecting and enrolling its participants for the Congress.
For more information on the International Congress on Youth Ministry and the Family, please contact the following e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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