In this message, I would like to thank and acknowledge the support and closeness of so many people who continue to trust in the educational work being done in Don Bosco’s name for children and young people in 132 countries around the world. The matter I have been talking about is a legal and administrative question of the “Gerini” Foundation and the “Direzione Generale” vis-à-vis the creditors, but it has nothing to do with the Salesian mission in the 1,856 presences around the world, most of which are at the service of the poorest.
It is possible, as has happened in other cases, that in the next few days you hear sensational news about this case. I would like to say that these may not represent the truth and may be spread with the intention of discrediting our educational work in the world.
I would like to say very clearly, further, that all the economic help received from people of good will and from benefactors is always used to the last penny for the purpose for which it is sent and in areas of greatest poverty and need. We are glad to be able to affirm this strongly and clearly.
We are sorry about this case that has lasted almost ten years, because of the way it has hindered us from concentrating all our attention on the Salesian mission.
We hope that we will be able to arrive at the end of this unfortunate situation as soon as possible. We are certain that we will direct all our energies to the only reason for which we exist as followers of Don Bosco: those to whom we are sent, the children and the young people of the world.
I thank you all for your closeness in these moments and for the hope with which you help us look to the future.
With affection and gratitude,
Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime SDB
Rector Major