By Fr Adrián González, Fr Marcos Aguirre and Mr Gabriel Osorio
Salesians are part of the "Mons. Enrique Angelelli" community, Santa Rosa da Lima Chapel, Santa Rita Parish.
We thank all those who have expressed interest in this new presence, and the communities that have contributed to improving the home and to facilitating its activities ...
What is most characteristic of our community in La Rioja is the identity of our presence, that is, our being here in this land is directly related to the accompanying processes already underway which contribute to the genesis of new spaces, especially those which involve young people directly...
We are accompanying six Ecclesial Communities that are part of the parish of Santa Rita, to which we belong ...
We joined the deanery in the convening process of the assembly.
We have actively joined CONFAR (Argentine Conference of Religious).
Since February, we have been accompanying the children of "Fazenda de la Esperanza", from the therapeutic, spiritual and sacramental points-of-view, going to them twice a week to share time together.
We are accompanying the birth of the University Pastoral ...
We are part of the Diocesan Team of the Base Ecclesial Community.
We are accompanying the process that will give rise to the Diocesan Team for the Pastoral of Substance Abusers.
We are animating a festive oratory on weekends.
In the months lived here, we have discovered, through the enthusiasm of the members of La Rioja Church, that the Salesian charism is appreciated and perceived as a gift by all.
In general there is a concern for young people and a desire to work for them and with them. This is a great opportunity to contribute and learn, with great humility, from working with the people of the diocesan Church.