Fr Coelho opened the morning session by presenting the topic: "Re-thinking Salesian formation in Europe". Initially he reminded participants of the need to return to the priorities set in 2016, namely: redesigning the educational community; ensuring discernment and accompaniment; providing a specific formation process for the Salesian Brothers and attention to ongoing formation.
Among the main elements of his presentation was the theme of "internationality". "It seems to me that internationality is not just an 'option' for the formation of Salesian religious life,” Fr Coelho insisted. In a rapidly globalizing world, we are called to live multiculturalism and to integrate it. Even more importantly - communion and fraternity that go beyond nations and cultures are at the centre of our faith and our charisma"
Fr Attard then went on to present some reflections on pastoral challenges emerging from a study of the region. "One of the challenges that is facing the whole Congregation, and is also found in this region, is to strengthen more and more a pastoral process that has a clear charismatic identity and that this identity be taken in a conscious manner by the Pastoral Educative Community" he said.
The Councillor for Youth Ministry also presented the four core foundations of Ministry: the Pastoral Educative Community, with its identity and its own educative proposal; the project of Vocational Youth Ministry, accompanying young people; and the Family as the subject and object of the Salesian Youth Ministry. At the end of his talk, Fr Attard also gave some information concerning the International Youth and Family Pastoral Congress, to be held in November in Madrid.
The Rector Major said "In the Team Visit there is a climate of fraternity and an openness to meet the challenges and expectations of the region."