Since the evening of Sunday 27 March the different delegations of the 13 countries that make up the Salesian region have started to gather at the Don Bosco-Fátima Events Centre which will be the venue for the meeting.
Before starting the meeting, the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, wanted to meet the confreres of the Province of Bolivia. He recommended to them the importance of taking care of one another. "The Congregation needs to consolidate what is essential, taking care of one another as brothers, so that vocations will not be lost and we will not lose our brothers. This is the practical part of life that is very, very important and which Don Bosco wanted so much," said the Rector Major.
The Team Visit began officially on the morning of Tuesday 28 March. The Rector Major presided, accompanied by his General Council. At the opening Fr Javier Ortiz, Provincial of Bolivia, gave a warm welcome to all the participants and expressed his joy at their presence in Bolivian territory. Then Fr A.F. Artime spoke and thanked all present.
Fr Timothy Ploch, Regional Councillor for Inter-America, then gave an introductory assessment of the region which he had prepared for the General Council last year.
At the end of the day Fr Ploch highlighted the organization and the results of the first day of the conference, commenting as follows: "I want to congratulate the Provincial, Fr Ortiz, his vicar, Fr Juan Aparicio, and all the team members who obviously worked very hard to prepare in detail an event like this. Thanks to all of them, the Team Visit is proceeding smoothly."