The "Institute of the Daughters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary" was founded principally to serve lepers. Today its members devote their lives to the pastoral mission in schools, to the service of the sick and the missions.
In 1981 the Institute was approved by official acknowledgment: "The particular reason for joy is the fact that the Institute was the first to officially become part of the Salesian Family."
Currently, the Institute has about 400 members offering their pastoral service in 12 countries.
On 24 December, during their General Chapter, Sister Miryam Fabiola Garcia was chosen as Superior General of the HHSSCC and the following as members of the General Council: Sister Fanny Ana Silva Carreño - Vicar; Sister Martha Nelly Gutiérrez Castañeda - communications director for Pastoral work; Sister Maria Amelia Alvarado Viancha - Responsible for the Fr Variara Secular Movement and sister Betty Cecilia González Contreras - Counsellor for Economic Affairs.
Sister Miryam Fabiola García, is the eighth Superior General of the Institute of the Daughters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. The Superior General is the bond of union and centre of unity of the Institute.