Italy – General Chapter 29: A Week of Listening, Reflection, and Proposals for the Salesian Future

03 March 2025

(ANS – Turin) – The 29th General Chapter (GC29) of the Salesians of Don Bosco, currently taking place in Turin-Valdocco, represents a crucial moment of discernment, collaboration, and commitment for Salesians worldwide. Over the past week, participants have analyzed the current state of the Congregation, reflected on challenges, and proposed concrete actions to shape the future of the Salesian mission, guided by the Holy Spirit.

Reports, statistical analyses, in-depth discussions, and moments of spirituality have marked the Chapter's work, culminating in a shared commitment to respond to the needs of young people and the contemporary world. Below is an overview of the key moments and main themes emerging from GC29.

Reports and Analysis of the Congregation’s Status

The second week of GC29, from February 24 to March 1, opened with a detailed overview of the Congregation.

On Monday, February 24, the Vicar of the Rector Major, Fr. Stefano Martoglio, delivered his report, followed by presentations from the General Councillors for different sectors and regional councillors. Among the Sector Councillors, Fr. Ivo Coelho, responsible for Formation, provided a summary of his area; Fr. Miguel Ángel García Morcuende, Councillor for Youth Ministry, discussed the Congregation’s activities in this field; Fr. Alfred Maravilla, Councillor for Missions, shared insights on missionary work; and Fr. Gildasio Mendes, responsible for Social Communication, presented key challenges and opportunities in his sector.

Next, the Regional Councillors took the floor: Fr. Alphonse Owoudou for the Africa-Madagascar region; Fr. Joseph Nguyen Thinh Phuoc for East Asia-Oceania; Fr. Biju Michael for South Asia; and Fr. Héctor Gabriel Romero for the South Cone of America. Each offered a detailed vision of the situation in their respective regions.

Tuesday, February 25, continued with further in-depth discussions, particularly on economic and statistical data. The day began with presentations from the remaining Regional Councillors: Fr. Hugo Orozco Sánchez for Interamerica; Fr. Juan Carlos Pérez Godoy for the Mediterranean region; and Fr. Roman Jachimowicz for Central-Northern Europe. Following this, the General Economer, Br. Jean Paul Muller, presented the Congregation’s financial situation, while Br. Marco Bay, Director of the Central Salesian Archive, outlined statistical data from the past five years. The day concluded with the Rector Major’s Report, presented by Fr. Stefano Martoglio on behalf of Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime.

Reflections, Sharing, and Responses

The following days were dedicated to personal reflection and group discussions.

On Wednesday, February 26, the morning was reserved for individual reflection on the reports presented, while the afternoon was dedicated to discussions within six language-based groups.

Thursday, February 27, continued with further group discussions, followed by the first session of responses from the General Councillors for various sectors in the afternoon. Fr. Ivo Coelho (Formation), Fr. Miguel Ángel García Morcuende (Youth Ministry), Fr. Alfred Maravilla (Missions), and Fr. Gildasio Mendes (Social Communication) responded to questions posed by the Chapter members.

On Friday, February 28, work focused on additional group discussions and a second session of responses in the early afternoon. Among the speakers were Fr. Joan Lluís Playà, Central Delegate of the Rector Major for the Secretariat for the Salesian Family, as well as General Council members Fr. Roman Jachimowicz (Central-Northern Europe), Fr. Alphonse Owoudou (Africa-Madagascar), Br. Jean Paul Muller (General Economer), and Fr. Stefano Martoglio (Vicar of the Rector Major).

Saturday, March 1, was marked by moments of spirituality and reflection. The morning began with a Lectio Divina led by Fr. Simon Zakerian, Provincial of the Middle East (MOR), offering participants a moment of listening to the Word of God and contemplation. Following this, the Emeritus Rector Major, Fr. Pascual Chávez, summarized the Chapter’s discussions from the past 15 days.

Subsequently, Fr. Andrea Bozzolo and Fr. Eunan McDonnell presented the methodology to be adopted in the work of the Commissions, known as “Conversation in the Spirit.” This methodology, rooted in synodality, values each participant, fosters harmonized proposals, and is based on faith, silence, and prayer.

At noon, participants gathered in the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians for the Eucharistic celebration, presided over by Fr. Mykhaylo Chaban, Provincial of Ukraine.

Sunday, March 2, was a free day, allowing participants to visit Salesian sites and immerse themselves in the history and charism of Don Bosco. GC29 continues in a spirit of dialogue and discernment, renewing its commitment to synodality, collaboration, and faithfulness to Don Bosco’s charism.

Looking Ahead to the Third Week

As the third week of the General Chapter begins, participants will focus on determining the methodology and, through personal study, discernment, and group discussions, will delve into the essential points of the Instrumentum Laboris of GC29. This document will guide the final decisions of the General Chapter, shaping the future direction of the Salesian mission.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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