The ceremony reflected the typical Salesian spirit, characteristic of such events and included the participation of numerous prominent figures. These included Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, Pro-Prefect of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, who, as Rector Major, had initiated the project; the Vicar of the Rector Major, Fr. Stefano Martoglio, currently leading the Congregation; the entire Salesian General Council; Fr. Luca Barone, legal representative of the "Sacred Heart of Jesus" house; and the project foreman, engineer Francesco Miotto.
During the official speeches, held in one of the newly built mini-auditorium, Fr. Francisco Cervantes SDB, served as the moderator. Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime spoke first, expressing gratitude to all parties involved in the three years of work. He specifically acknowledged the benefactors, Br. Giampietro Pettenon SDB (appointed by the Rector Major to oversee the project), the technical companies and their staff, and the Salesians and collaborators who relocated from the old Generalate. Reflecting on the significance of the renovated house, he praised the location and the structure’s new configuration, calling it "an excellent space - the best in Rome." He emphatically stated, "If God wills and we remain the Salesians He desires us to be, this will be our home for the next 100 years, with other Salesians, certainly, but always for the young and the needy."
Br. Jean Paul Muller SDB, the Congregation’s Economer General, also spoke, noting the growing complexity and polarization of today’s society, marked by vast inequalities in wealth and well-being. He highlighted the emerging significance of artificial intelligence and uncertainties about the future but pointed to some unwavering Salesian certainties: "The world may change, but our fundamental values do not: charity, mercy, openness, honesty... These key principles remain constant. Ours is a culture of life, for and with the young, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. This construction project is a concrete example of what our culture represents." He also recalled the difficulties experienced during the relocation from the old Generalate, which became an opportunity to rediscover fraternity within the community and return to a historic and significant location in Don Bosco’s Roman experience.
"This place is not the headquarters of a multinational corporation but a center dedicated to improving the world. Here, advocacy is done for young people in all situations, and efforts are made to ensure that all members of the Salesian family remain true to themselves and to God," he added. "This center receives information from all over the world, 24/7. Crucial decisions are made here: from the formation of priests and religious brothers for the future to welcoming new members into the order, the development of schools, our works for the street children, and assistance to minorities. Discussions also include funding for pastoral, social, and economic projects. The successor of Don Bosco lives, prays, and works here. From March 25, we will have the 11th successor, the new Rector Major, who will lead this congregation and support the vocation of the Salesian family." He concluded by thanking the companies involved for completing the work in record time. "When I tell my compatriots in Bonn that we managed to do all this in just three years, they don't believe it. Thank you everyone!"
Fr. Barone then detailed some technical aspects of the restoration work, emphasizing the eco-sustainability achieved in the new structure. He highlighted the scope of the renovations, which included restoration the former theater, creation of the Don Bosco Museum, an auditorium, two new chapels, and five meeting halls.
Engineer Miotto, foreman of a project involving 14 companies, likened himself to a coach assembling a team for a major championship: "The players are the companies that participated, but I also represent 20 professionals without whom I couldn’t work, because no one wins alone." He emphasized the welcoming environment experienced by the workers, who dined and lived on-site in a fraternal atmosphere, which facilitated fast and efficient work.
Finally, all attendees went outside to the porticoed courtyard of the Salesian house. There, the Vicar of the Rector Major, Fr. Martoglio, delivered a brief message, renewed his thanks, and proceeded with the blessing. "This creation reflects three years of everyone’s life. Let us thank God because everything went well. And, as Don Bosco always said, 'May the Lord reward you for this.'"
The ceremony concluded with the unveiling of a commemorative plaque in the courtyard of the "Sacred Heart of Jesus" project, led by Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime and Br. Muller.