As part of the annual pastoral campaign "Somos futuro" (We are the future), this new vocation campaign is marked by the motto "Un futuro de Esperanza" (A future of hope). The gospel accounts of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes and the parable of the talents guide the reflection in the materials prepared for the more than 175,000 recipients identified by the initiative, among children, adolescents and young people in Salesian works (schools, youth centres, social platforms, parishes).
The general objective of the campaign, explain the organisers, is "to help young people to consider life as a vocation, discovering and maturing the Lord's project on their lives, promote vocational commitment in the reality of the world in which they live and develop projects of full life, which promote dedication to others and become authentic signs of hope for the world".
The campaign presentation video ends with an invitation to young people: "Build a future of hope with your life". The audiovisual shows how, in the face of situations of difficulty, need or pain, we must know not to turn our eyes away, but rather let ourselves be involved, discover compassion and move to action. The video shows how Jesus acted when confronted with the needy of his time, and how Don Bosco himself operated in his historical context. This is why today's adolescents and young people are invited to look around, to discover the wounds of the current time, to feel compassion in the face of many difficult situations and to take action to be signs of hope, as Pope Francis himself has invited us, especially in this Jubilee Year.
On the profiles and pages of the Salesians in Spain in the various social networks (X, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube), you can find additional motivational resources related to the campaign.
Finally, it should be noted that materials for the different educational phases and different pastoral environments have been prepared for the development of the campaign. The originality of the proposal lies in the fact that it is not only aimed at young people, but also at religious communities and groups of the Salesian Family, in order to consolidate a vocational culture shared by all those who carry out the Salesian educative and pastoral mission.