Italy – The Missions Sector launches the "Corso respiro", to promote missionary breathing

17 September 2024

(ANS – Castelnuovo Don Bosco) – A Corso respiro began on Thursday 12 September 2024, organised by the Salesian Missions Sector. The Course, which lasts six weeks and began with a few days of pilgrimage-cum-retreat in the places of Don Bosco, is intended for Salesians who work in missionary contexts and want some time for missionary renewal, as well as for those who wish to gain a greater understanding of the Salesian missionary spirit or who are carrying out or will carry out the service of missionary animation in their Provinces.

The course aims to give participants a missionary breather, revitalising the missionary dimension of their vocation; it seeks to make them reflect on some theological and pastoral issues related to the mission of the Church; and intends to encourage the sharing of missionary experiences. Thus the participants, when they return to their home provinces, will in turn be able to infuse a Salesian missionary breather for their confreres.

The course is also open to other members of the Salesian Family and to lay people who collaborate in the activities of the Salesians of Don Bosco or in missionary animation.

The course is in English and is animated by all the members of the Sector, starting with the General Councillor, Fr Alfred Maravilla. In the coming weeks, several authoritative speakers have been invited to present a theme in line with the purpose of the course from time to time.

"The 24 participants come from all five countries, such as Brazil, Samoa, Cambodia, India, Nigeria, Tanzania, Botswana, Azerbaijan... This international character of the participants also helps to promote an experience and enriches the intercultural dynamic " explained Fr Reginaldo Cordeiro, member of the Missions Sector and Coordinator of the Course.

"Among the participants of the various groups of the Salesian Family are a Salesian Cooperator, three Sisters of Charity of Jesus, two Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians and two Sisters of the Visitation of Don Bosco" concluded Fr Cordeiro.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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