"This positive result shows that people have confidence in our work, and this makes us very happy – commented Dr. Nelson Penedo, Director General of Don Bosco Mission Bonn "It is important to us that our projects empower young people to be active and shape their future. It is something extremely important, especially in fragile times."
In eco-clubs in India, for example, young people receive the necessary tools to conduct campaigns and active citizenship initiatives for climate protection and social change. "Our vision is that young people become agents of change and shape a sustainable future," Penedo added.
Sustainability has long been on the agenda of the Salesians of Don Bosco (SDB). The goal is that by 2032 all Salesian structures are climate neutral (that is, the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases emitted is equal to that reabsorbed by the same structure, Ed.). Ciudad Don Bosco centre in Colombia has already achieved this goal, thus becoming one of the first Salesian organisations to be climate neutral. The centre has taken progressive steps to become a green campus, and step by step has achieved this important achievement.
"These projects are just a few examples that demonstrate how important it is to create prospects for a sustainable future for young people around the world. Fortunately, we are also doing this in collaboration with public donors, such as the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). To ensure the sustainability of these projects, we need financial continuity. This is why we are very concerned about the planned cuts to the BMZ budget," said Silvia Cromm, Director of Don Bosco Mondo Programs and Projects.