RMG – DB Tech Europe APS enters the VET EVBB network

30 July 2024

(ANS – Rome) – DB Tech Europe APS, a non-profit organisation that unites and coordinates the Vocational Training Centres of Europe and North Africa, has recently joined the VET EVBB network (European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training). This new membership opens up interesting prospects for the future of Salesian vocational training in Europe.

But what is EVBB? EVBB, founded in 1992, is a European association that brings together vocational training institutes. Based in Brussels, EVBB offers itself as a bridge between vocational training providers and the European institutions. The association has more than 40 members from more than 20 European countries, representing a wide network of organizations that deal with vocational education and training.

EVBB is committed to promoting excellence in professional training, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and best practices among its members. The association actively collaborates with the institutions of the European Union to influence policies related to vocational education and training at the European level.

EVBB supports its partners in generating project opportunities and competence development.

There are five potential advantages for the European Salesian Family from joining this network:

1.           Sharing of best practices: access to the EVBB network will allow the exchange of innovative methodologies and successful approaches in the field of vocational training, benefiting from the experience of over 40 partner institutions.

2.           Networking opportunities: participation in this network will facilitate the creation of strategic collaborations with other European institutions, expanding the possibilities for intervention and transnational projects.

3.           Increased visibility: Being part of this European network will increase the visibility of Salesian initiatives in the VET sector at the continental level, potentially opening up new opportunities for growth and influence.

4.           Access to financing: participation in the EVBB could facilitate access to European funds and programs dedicated to Vocational Training, thanks to the rich design and the privileged position of the association in the dialogue with the institutions of the European Union.

5.           Alignment to European standards: Collaboration with other EVBB members will help align Salesian formation practices to the latest European parameters and trends, ensuring cutting-edge training.

This new membership represents an important step for DB Tech Europe APS and promises to bring significant benefits to the entire European Salesian Family in the field of vocational training. Integration into such a vast and diverse network offers a unique opportunity to expand the impact and quality of Salesian vocational training in Europe.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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