Italy – Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime presides at the Eucharist in the Spanish National Church of Santiago and Monteserrat, in honour of the patron saint Saint James the Apostle

26 July 2024
Photo: Daniel Ibañez/EWTN News

(ANS – Rome) - As is the case every 25 July, in the Spanish National Church of Santiago and Montserrat in Rome, a Mass was celebrated in honour of its patron saint, the Apostle James. This year the ceremony was presided over by Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, Rector Major of the Salesians of Don Bosco. In his homily, the Salesian cardinal warned of the "great temptation" that the world has had throughout history: power, which can be overcome through service and witness.

After greeting the many authorities present, including Spanish Cardinal Luis Ladaria Ferrer and Maximino Caballero Ledo, Prefect of the Secretariat for Economic Affairs of the Holy See, Cardinal Fernández Artime thanked them for the invitation and the presence of the faithful, mostly Spaniards residing in Rome.

Looking at the Gospel of the day, the cardinal said that, "two thousand years later, the world has changed a lot. Our world is complicated, complex and we realise that reality becomes difficult." He highlighted that "as believers and Christians we cannot compete by wanting to do as others with our own means", but he also assured the congregation that "the means we have can help us do good", stressing that "the greatest force we have today is not strategies" but witness. “If we are able to witness who we are and how we move, this comes, it touches the heart,” he said.

He invited the faithful to "be attentive to the greatest temptation that the world has had and has in history: the great temptation is called power. Faced with this giant, the Lord continues to say: whoever wants to be first, must serve.” The greatest strength we have, continued Cardinal Artime, "has to do with simplicity, with witness".

“If it is not service, it is power, and if it is power, it does not come from God and is not blessed by God or Jesus. Just as we rise and fall with the same ease, we see it every day in the world", he concluded.

Source: Aciprensa


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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