Italy – Clerici Lab finds a home at the Don Bosco Institute: "Thermohydraulics will be studied"

11 July 2024

(ANS – Brescia) – In collaboration with the Clerici Group, a leading company in the distribution of hydrothermal sanitary products, the Centro Nazionale Opere Salesiane-Formazione Aggiornamento Professionale (CNOS-FAP) has developed a course dedicated to the entire thermo-hydraulic supply chain, in order to create new generations of professionals thanks to what is intended to become a training incubator.

Together with the CNOS-FAP Lombardy Region foundation, a Higher Technical Education and Training Centre (LFTS in Italian) dedicated to logistics and thermohydraulics will be created in Brescia, at the Don Bosco Institute and the new headquarters of "Clerici Lab", designed to train high-level figures who will deal with the technical-commercial management of the thermohydraulic sector.

This postgraduate professional course is open to all graduates under 25 years of age residing in Lombardy and the didactic process is entirely funded by the Region. The courses will begin in September with the first level apprenticeship formula (Article 43) which provides for the hiring of trainees and a training activity alternating between work and classroom training.

"‘Clerici Lab’ is a particularly ambitious project that has required over a year of study and preparation, through which we make available our know-how deriving from almost 80 years of experience in the sector" Paolo Clerici, president of Clerici  says. "At this time it is essential to intercept and guide the youngsters at the end of the school year towards subjects that meet the needs of companies in the entire supply chain. But not only that: currently in Italy there is a strong need for skilled labour in specific areas such as thermo-hydraulics. Faced with this need, it is crucial to invest in developed training programs which not only bridge the gap between the offer of companies and the skills available, but which stimulate the interest and motivation of young and old."

The project will then develop throughout Italy. With the CNOS-FAP in Sesto San Giovanni, in the province of Milan, a path for the insertion of apprentices and trainees at the Clerici offices will be offered, reserved for young people attending the VTC focusing on thermo-hydraulics. And the model will also be replicated in other regions.

Source: Il Sole 24 Ore


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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