The working group in charge of drafting the document was made up of Fr Claudio Cartes, of the Red de Centros de Formacion Profesional in America; Fr T. J. George and Fr Maximus Okoro, of Don Bosco Tech Africa; Fr George Mathew, for Don Bosco Tech India; Fr Dindo Vitug, for Don Bosco Tech Asean; Miguel Esquíroz, Ivan Toscano and Piero Fabris, for Don Bosco Tech Europe"; Fr Patrick Anthonyraj and Fr Joebeth Vivo, of the Youth Ministry Sector. The final draft was prepared by Fr Miguel Angel García Morcuende, General Councillor for Youth Ministry.
The volume is a practical support for the personal appreciation of Salesian Vocational Formation. The text is intended mainly for those who work in this field, as an effective tool for reflection and formation, although it is also aimed at Salesians in formation and those who, in various capacities, are interested in this educative and pastoral area.
Thanks to a solid tradition in the world of Technical and Vocational Training and to the continuous dialogue with entrepreneurship in all contexts, the Salesian Vocational Training Centre around the world can boast a significant ability to initiate young people into the world of work. Technical visits, extended periods of internships, internships in the company, frequent interventions of teachers and specialised personnel and an integral educative and pastoral proposal are just some of the factors that feed this close symbiosis between school-training-world of work.
Work for Salesians is not to be understood as a mere occupation, but as a vocation and professionalism. We must look at the "good job", the one that provides a real benefit to young people and the community. In vocational training, the Salesian educator has a vocation: to make young people suitable to occupy their place in society with dignity and to help them become aware of their role in view of the transformation of social life, according to Christian humanism.
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