Italy – Salesian Holiness in Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna

12 June 2024

(ANS – Chiari) – The Salesian Family Provincial Advisory Council of the Lombardy-Emilian Province was held on Sunday 9 June 2024, at the San Bernardino Institute in Chiari,  coordinated by Fr Erino Leoni, Vice-Provincial and Delegate for the Salesian Family. The topic for the meeting was the presentation and apreciation of Salesian holiness linked to this area. On the occasion, Fr Pierluigi Cameroni, Postulator General for the Causes of Saints of the Salesian Family, presented the wealth of holiness that has flourished in Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna, covering 17 Saints (3), Blesseds (2), Venerables (7), Servants of God (5). 

They are as follows:

 St Aloysius Versiglia, Salesian bishop, protomartyr (Oliva Gessi, Pavia, 5 June 1873 – Li Thau Tseui, China, 25 February 1930).

St Louis Guanella, priest, founder (Campodolcino, Sondrio, 19 December 1842 – Como, 24 October 1915).

St Artemides Zatti, Salesian Brother (Boretto, Reggio Emilia, 12 October 1880 – Viedma, Argentina, 15 March 1951).


Blessed Alberto Marvelli, Past Pupil (Rimini, 23 March 1918 - 5 October 1946).

Blessed Maria Troncatti, Daughter of Mary Help of Christians (FMA), missionary in Ecuador (Corteno Golgi, Brescia, 16 February 1883 – Sucua, Ecuador, 25 August 1969).


Venerable Teresa Valsè Pantellini, FMA (Milan 10 October 1878 – Turin, 3 September 1907).

Venerable Vincent Cimatti, Salesian, missionary in Japan (Faenza, Ravenna 15 July 1879 – Tokyo, 6 October 1965).

Venerable Louis Olivares, Salesian bishop (Corbetta, Milan, 18 October 1873 – Pordenone, 19 May 1943).

Venerable Joseph Quadrio, Salesian priest (Vervio, Sondrio 28 November 1921 – Turin, 23 October 1963).

Venerable Attilio Giordani, Salesian Cooperator (Milan 3 February 1913 – Campogrande, Brazil 18 December 1972).

Venerable Carlo Crespi Croci, Salesian missionary in Ecuador (Legnano, Milan 29 May 1891 – Cuenca, Ecuador, 30 April 1982).

Venerable Maria Cristina Cella Mocellin, Past Pupil (Cinisello Balsamo, Monza 18 August 1969 - Bassano del Grappa, Vicenza 22 October 1995).


Servant of God Elia Comini, Salesian priest, killed in the massacre of Monte Sole (Calvenzano di Vergato, Bologna, 7 May 1910 – Salvaro, Bologna, 1 October 1944).

Servant of God Charles della Torre, Salesian missionary in Thailand (Cernusco sul Naviglio, Milan, 9 July 1900 – Bangkok, Thailand, 4 April 1982).

Servant of God Silvio Galli, Salesian priest (Palazzolo Milanese, Milan, 10 September 1927 – Chiari, Brescia, 12 June 2012).

Servant of God Charles Braga, Salesian, missionary in China and the Philippines (Tirano, Sondrio 23 May 1889 – Makati, Philippines, 3 January 1971).

Servant of God Rosetta Marchese, FMA, Mother General (Aosta 20 October 1922 – Rome, 8 March 1984)

Fr Cameroni recalled how "these witnesses of the Gospel and the Salesian charism deserve to be known as models of Christian life, prayed as intercessors and felt as companions on the journey to be inspired by." In the discussion, the proposal emerged that the different houses of the Salesians of Don Bosco and the FMA, as well as the various groups of the Salesian Family present in the territory of Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna, commit themselves to the promotion and animation of these Causes of Beatification and Canonisation, in communion with the local Churches and the Christian and civil communities from which these saints and candidates to holiness originated. 


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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