Poland – Real Madrid Foundation and Salesian Missions together for refugee children from Ukraine

24 May 2024

(ANS – Elk) – The boys and girls of Elk have their socio-sports school. The Elk Socio-Sports School is the result of the agreement of the Real Madrid Foundation, Misiones Salesianas, the Salesians of Poland and Don Bosco Elk.

More than 140 young people aged between 5 and 17, already participate in the socio-sports school in Elk, which was presented with the presence of members of the Real Madrid Foundation, Misiones Salesianas and the Salesians of Poland. An event that highlighted the importance of this collaboration for children at risk and for children who are refugees from Ukraine due to the war.

Sports activities help the integration of these children into school life and the community in which they live. Many of the participants in the socio-sports school have improved their school attendance levels and grades. The practice of educational sport is an opportunity not only to have a healthy life, but also to work on values such as discipline, teamwork, solidarity and empathy.

The Elk socio-sports school has been operating for a year and there have already been positive habits in the children who participate in it. Not only is football and basketball plaid but there is training in healthy habits, healthy eating, civic values... reinforcement classes, psychological support, food support and legal assistance are offered. "Working with an entity as noble and recognisable as the Real Madrid Foundation makes it more viable to have a positive impact on the children with whom we work" explain the Elk Salesians.

Misiones Salesianas  and the Real Madrid Foundation have been collaborating and working together for 14 years so that children and adolescents have opportunities for the future. The first socio-sports school began operating in June 2010 to serve minors in the favelas of Brazil. Then came those of Cape Verde, the Dominican Republic, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Egypt, Mozambique, Togo... and so on up to the more than 22 socio-sports schools of both organisations in 15 countries in Africa, America and Europe and that reach more than 4,500 minors.

The socio-sports schools of Misiones Salesianas and the Real Madrid Foundation implement the Don Bosco Preventive System to promote social integration and practice solidarity, team spirit, respect and inclusion through sport, study and learning good hygiene, health and food habits.

Source: Misiones Salesianas


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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