Italy – A new success of participation and solidarity at the "Su e Zo per i ponti di Venezia": in 7,500 for the Holy Land

15 April 2024

(ANS – Venice) – On Sunday, 14 April 2024, as many as 7,500 members – and a total of over 8,000 people, also considering the 330 volunteers and the 200 individuals and companions of guest folk groups – participated in the traditional Solidarity Walk called "Su e Zo per i Ponti di Venezia" (Up and Down Veneticn Bridges, in Venetian dialect): a sustainable tourism initiative organised by the Salesian TGS Eurogroup NGO, which also associates a solidarity project with the event every year, aimed this year at Salesian works in the Holy Land.

The departures marked every 15 minutes, between 9:30 and 11:00, simultaneously in Piazza San Marco and at the Port of Venice, have been confirmed as a winning choice, allowing precise control of the flow of participants and guaranteeing everyone a more relaxed and pleasant experience on their way through the Venetian streets and squares.

The 2024 edition of the Su e Zo per i Ponti, entirely dedicated to Marco Polo, received the recognition of the National Committee for the celebrations of the seventh centenary of the death of Marco Polo and was officially included in the official program of these celebrations.

At the end of the event in St Mark's Square, the groups, whether school-based or not, that guaranteed the highest number of members were rewarded. In total, there are 10 schools that exceeded the threshold of 100 enrolled, and have won the prize for the Don Dino Berti schools, named after the Salesian priest who created the event,. They will be rewarded with a voucher for the purchase of teaching or sports material equal to € 300.00 (from 100 to 150 enrolled) or € 500.00 (minimum 150 enrolled), for a total of € 3,800.

To this will be added the share of charity towards Salesian works in the Holy Land, which will be decided upon at the end of the fundraising budget.

A special mention and a plaque of the Su and Zo also went to the folk groups that animated the event: the Vessilliferi from Marostica (VI), the Sbandieratori from  Feltre (BL), the Danzerini from Passons in Udine (UD) and the Le Due Torri Folk Group  from Miranda (Isernia).

Among the public and private bodies that contributed to the success of the event, the promoting committee of the initiative thanked  the Municipality of Venice and the Port System Authority of the Northern Adriatic Sea for the valuable support, as well as the Navy for the prestigious patronage granted this year for the first time to the event.

And while the TGS Eurogroup is already renewing its invitation to participate in the 45th "Su e Zo per i Ponti di Venezia" event in the Spring of 2025, in anticipation, applications are already officially open for the "Su e Zo Detour", the guided tours of the "Su e Zo per i Ponti di Venezia", scheduled from June to November 2024, inspired by the cultural itinerary "Su e Zo per i Ponti" 2024 "The Venice of Marco Polo: in the footsteps of the most famous traveller of the Serenissima".

For more information, you can visit the event website at, or write This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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