Fr Orozco was main celebrant at the Mass of missionary sending for some 250 young people from the Salesian presences in Caracas. In the homily, the Councillor recalled that "the cross is not an ornament that we wear like a chain or a bracelet, but it is the gift of life for love. When you wear the cross, this is the commitment you make, this is the mission."
After the Eucharist he then had a meeting with the young people where he expressed his joy and encouraged them to continue on the missionary path.
Immediately afterwards he went to the Don Bosco House in Sarría, where he shared a moment of conviviality with the Salesian community, educators and administrators of the Don Bosco Houses Network.
In the following days, on 21, 22 March , in an atmosphere of fraternity and commitment, the Salesians in the San Luca Province of Venezuela gathered in the provincial house for the closing of the Extraordinary Visitation by the Councillor for the Interamerica Region. Fr Orozco chaired the meeting and shared his impressions regarding the current situation of the Province. During his presentation he highlighted the challenges that must be faced and the need to continue building a lively Province committed to the Salesian mission.
He also highlighted the results achieved, areas for improvement and opportunities for growth as a Salesian community. The close and joyful presence of Fr Orozco inspired all those present to continue working together for the good of young people and society. The Rectors of the Salesian presences shared experiences, reflected on their work and committed to continue building the Province they dream of. Fraternity and the Salesian spirit were the driving force of this meeting, reaffirming the Salesian commitment to the integral education and accompaniment of young people.
"Today, if we want to be Salesians, we cannot think of ourselves without young people" stressed the Regional Councillor and his message resonated in all hearts present, recalling the essence of the Salesian vocation and the importance of moving forward with hope and joy.
The Salesians of the Province of Venezuela thanked Fr Orozco for the Visitation and for his constant guidance. "Let us continue to build together a future full of opportunities for our young people and for all of society" they write "and may Don Bosco enlighten us in this journey of service and love!"