RMG – Ten years of “Salesian Strennas” recount the life of the Church

27 March 2024

(ANS – Rome) – Ten years of gifts from Salesian "Strennas". Ten years in which the world has changed while remaining the same. Or rather, human beings, their thoughts, doubts and passions are always the same. The Rector Major of the Salesians, Successor of Don Bosco, writes a pastoral letter every years that is called "strenna", because as St John Bosco wanted and began to carry out, it is a gift.

Fr Giuseppe Costa, a Salesian with a long publishing career behind him, decided to collect the Strennas of the incumbent Rector Major (from 2015 to 2024), Ángel Fernández Artime, created Cardinal by Pope Francis in 2023. A collection that reflects the value of a final work. Because Card. Fernández Artime would be Rector Major for a short time and then the Pope would choose another position for him.

"Chiamati all’amore con speranza (Called to love with hope)" is the title of this collection published by the Salesians, which spans ten years of intense work by the Rector Major.

Just scroll through the table of contents to understand that the guidance of St John Bosco is present in every text of his 10th Successor. Young people, family, listening, citizenship, holiness, hope and dream: yes, Don Bosco's dream, the theme of the last Strenna, whose 200th anniversary falls in 2024.

There is ministry and theology in the efforts of the Rector Major, Fr Fernández Artime, as well as responses to the challenges of today's Christians. Throughout the world. The special feature of these writings is their broad perspective across all continents. In his years as Rector Major, in fact, he has visited at least 120 countries around the world. And another book was also dedicated to these trips - "Il carisma della presenza e della speranza. Un anno viaggiando con Don Ángel Fernández Artime (The Charism of presence and hope: a year travelling with Fr Ángel Fernández Artime)" – also by Fr Giuseppe Costa.

The new publication on the Rector Major’s strennas is not just a collection but a true interpretation of the texts, thanks to the introduction by journalist Enzo Romeo, theologian Massimo Naro, and sociologist, Cecilia Costa.

Through their eyes, the "Strennas" become true handbooks for life, as well as pastoral tools.

They are tools strongly linked to the Church today, from the Pope's texts to the Synod still in progress and dedicated to synodality - a pastoral method.

Ángel Fernández Artime's style is clear, direct, practical, occasionally didactic. And the photos that enrich the volume make it clear what the Rector Major of the Salesians is talking about and to whom he is talking.

There is a retelling of daily events that becomes an opportunity for evangelisation, hope, and therefore conversion to the Gospel. And there is a special feature that Cardinal Fernández Artime spoke of at the presentation of the book: I never write a homily unless I first read something by Benedict XVI. And reading the strennas, you would believe that the Rector Major has often read Benedict XVI, so much so that he often quotes him.

Angela Ambrogetti

Source: ACI Stampa


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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