As soon as Card. Fernández Artime entered the institution, he made the presence of Don Bosco immediately felt among the young people. He himself told the young people gathered there that he imagined the Valdocco Oratory of Don Bosco's time, just like the "Borgo" of today: a place where in every corner there are young people busy doing something: no longer cobblers, carpenters, bricklayers, as in those days, but hairdressers, cooks, gardeners, electricians, mechanics ... Certainly, the times and places have changed, but the passion in which the boys are involved remains the same.
Meeting the boys from the Vocational Training Centre to those of the sports groups, from the gardeners to the hairdressers, from the workshops to the oratory, the Rector Major had a good word for every single person, being with each one, asking for information and making himself available for photos and selfies especially with the boys, without excluding anyone. There was so much satisfaction for everyone in meeting Don Bosco today, who stopped to play with the boys, who kicked penalties, who shared the snack prepared by the students of the Vocational Training Centre and who truly showed that he loved what young people love.
There was so much joy and emotion on receiving a glance and a word of comfort from the Salesian Cardinal. The young people too were immensely satisfied at meeting the one who today follows in the footsteps of the saint of young people. No doubt, there were also many moments of laughter, joy, sharing and family spirit that involved everyone in the community.
Later, in the premises of the multipurpose hall that bears the name of the first Director of the institution, Fr Cadmo Biavati, there was a significant moment together with the Rector Major and the entire community. During the programme, the journey of the 75 years of life and mission of the Borgo Ragazzi Don Bosco was highlighted, retracing the stages that had seen the evolution of the Salesian work over the times and the boys welcomed. Beginning with the “shoe shiners” of the 1950s in need of every material and moral good, the Borgo's mission has always favoured boys living in situations of hardship and precariousness, giving them the ability to look to the future with hope.
The Rector Major on his part, showered words of encouragement on everyone to continue with passion, emphasizing how important it is to be manifestly present among young people. The only way to accompany young people in their integral growth is to always be present, to love what they love. Education is not done with words but by presence, by being there, and that was his message.
He also reminded everyone that thinking of young people as apathetic is a false myth: young people are only apathetic if they have no prospects for the future, and the most important goal therefore is to show them that there can be a way forward for everyone, a path for everyone where a better future is possible.
The Holy Eucharist celebrated at the end of the re-enactment of the history of the work took on a deep spiritual meaning of thanksgiving for these 75 years of life and mission of the Borgo Ragazzi Don Bosco, giving thanks in particular for all those boys whom Providence had guided into the courtyards and premises of this work.
The evening ended with a dinner with the Rector Major together with the boys and workers of the home-family and the Salesian community. It was indeed a very memorable moment felt in true fraternal spirit, in a serene family environment, in which the young people shared their stories and dreams with the 10th Successor of Don Bosco.
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