The theme of the meeting will be "The call of the Salesians in the ‘Take me with you’ and Eucharistic centrality as a key to formation today". The aim of the event will be to focus on the messages for Salesians that Jesus addresses to the Servant of God and Salesian Cooperator Vera Grita contained in the book "Take me with you", and compare them with the needs of the formation of Salesians as educators and pastors.
Fidelity to Don Bosco, union with God, apostolic passion for young people, spiritual accompaniment, pastoral planning in today's context are essential points in living the Salesian vocation. The interview will try to understand how the formation of the Salesians of Don Bosco can be illuminated by the "Take me with you" and how such a work can be the "beautiful copy" of the Salesian as expressed by Don Bosco in his conversation with Fr Barberis: "I am now sketching a rough copy of the Congregation. I shall leave it to those who will come after me to perfect it." (BM XI, 289).
Simply log in from 9 am to 10:15 am (UTC+1) on ANSChannel (ANS's YouTube channel) or on donboscoitalia's Facebook page, where the broadcast will remain available for viewing at a later date.
The current one is the fourth cycle of events in the series "What kind of Salesians for the youth of today?", all promoted by the Conference of Salesian Provinces of Italy (CISI) - Formation Sector, and by the “Living Tabernacles” Study Centre. In this 2023-2024 pastoral year, the meetings are dedicated to exploring the fourth Action Guideline on “formation to be Salesian pastors today” and, at the same time, considering the theme of General Chapter 29, to think about what it means to form Salesians “Passionate about Jesus Christ, dedicated to young people”.