Italy – The Feast of Don Bosco in Valdocco, Turin

01 February 2024

(ANS – Turin) – Yesterday, Wednesday, 31 January 2024, was, as is traditional, a day of great celebration in Turin for all the friends of Don Bosco, for the Salesian Family and for the Congregation itself. The day in Valdocco was full of celebrations, and once again its model of witness of faith and social commitment was transmitted to all the faithful and sympathisers of Salesian work.

The liturgical activities began early in the morning, with the Mass at 7:00 a.m. presided over by Fr Michele Viviano, Rector of the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians; and then, at 8:00 a.m., for religious, presided over by Fr Michele Roselli, Episcopal Vicar for formation in the Diocese of Turin and Susa.

In the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians in Valdocco crowded with young people from Salesian schools, at 9:30 in the morning the Mass wa celebrated  by the Superior of the Special Circumscription of Piedmont and Valle d 'Aosta (ICP), Fr Leonardo Mancini. In his homily, the Provincial explained the steps to discover one's originality and make one's life "a masterpiece", like that of Don Bosco, who was a "great masterpiece of humanity and holiness".

At 11:00 the Basilica opened its doors to the people and the entire Salesian Family, for the Eucharist celebrated by Archbishop Roberto Repole, Archbishop of Turin and Susa, and animated by hymns from the Basilica Choir. In his homily, Archbishop Repole, taking up Jesus' parable, explained how Don Bosco was and still is "salt of the earth", because he knew how to bring the wisdom of the Gospel and in the style with which to reach young people. An experience whose root lay in the transformation of the heart that took place at an early age, through the Dream at nine years of age: "God enlightened his heart at an early age, telling us that there is an intimacy of the heart that involves us from an early age, and it is that transformation of the heart that allowed John Bosco to carry out the work he did in the future", said the Archbishop of Turin on the occasion.

After the mid-day break, the activities resumed in the early afternoon with the blessing of the boys at the altar of Don Bosco, Adoration and Vespers and a new Mass for the people, celebrated on this occasion by Fr Luigi Ciotti, founder of the "Abel Group" and the "Libera" Association.

Probably the most anticipated moment of every 31 January, at least by the young people in the Salesian Family, was the 6:30 pm celebration, dedicated as always to the young people of the Salesian Youth Movement. On this occasion, with Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime engaged in an Animation Visit to Brazil, it was the Vicar of the Rector Major, Fr Stefano Martoglio, who presided over the Mass and addressed his special message to young people.

"This day of joy and celebration that we live in the name of Don Bosco, is not a remembrance in the sense of a memory, but an energy, a sharing to ask the Lord for the grace to imitate him," exhorted the Vicar of the Rector Major in his homily.

Then, interweaving Don Bosco's dream at the age of nine through the Strenna of the Rector Major's  with the liturgy of the day, Fr Martoglio reminded the boys and girls in the basilica "God has a positive dream for the life of each one of us", and he warned: "Let us not cut God out of our dreams".

The center of his reflection was in fact the presence of God, that divine presence that Don Bosco called 'Providence' and which he perceived and desired so much, even as a child, that he dreamt of it even at night. Because the Dream at the age of nine, was a vision that returned several times during the Saint's life, and for Don Bosco it was nothing other than "the memory of God's presence in his life".

Fr Martoglio, touched upon another central aspect of Don Bosco's life stating, “In this dream, the Lord gives him 'the teacher', confirms the devotion that his mother had taught him. Because the Lord takes care of us with his presence, through brothers and sisters, the shepherds who accompany our lives, and through the presence of Mary".

"May Don Bosco give us the gift to be faithful to God's dream for us, which is our vocation, our happy life, and to do so every day of our lives," concluded the Vicar of the Rector Major.The last Eucharist of the day was at 9 pm, especially addressed to the members of "SERMIG", the Youth Mission Service, in the presence of its founder, Ernesto Oliviero.

Finally, the long day was completed with dinner and celebrations at the oratory for all the boys and young people.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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