The missionary volunteering projects are an initiative of the BPA Province that have been carried out for 18 years, and that every year bring together young people over the age of 18 to live and share Salesian youth spirituality in the parish communities in different dioceses. In 2024, three different areas were identified: São Joaquim and Pouso Redondo, in the State of Santa Catarina (SC), and Missal, in the State of Paraná (PR).
In addition to the project with the young people in Missionary Animation Groups (GAM) and the Salesian Youth Movement (known as Articulação da Juventude Salesiana, AJS, in Brazil), this year the BPA Province is also promoting the Adult Missionary Project (PMA), aimed at leaders and young adults over 30 who have leadership positions in Salesian youth communities. It is a project that is being carried out again after a three-year break and that takes place in the parish entrusted to the Salesians of Don Bosco in Ponta Grossa, in the State of Paraná.
In total, the Salesian BPA communities have therefore sent more than 100 young people and young adults as missionaries in the four projects.
The parish of São Joaquim is welcoming 25 participants from the State of Rio Grande do Sul as part of the Youth Missionary Project; in Pouso Redondo, the Nossa Senhora de Fátima parish is hosting 22 young missionaries from the PMJ program in presences in the State of Santa Catarina. In Missal, at the Nossa Senhora da Conceição parish, 37 missionaries from other parts of Paraná are active.
The project with young adults attracted 20 participants to Ponta Grossa, working at the local parish dedicated to Mary Help of Christians.
For this Salesian parish it is the second missionary project to be welcomed in just one year: in fact, in July 2023, teenagers from the Salesian presences in the State of PR had already gathered there for Youth Missionary Animation. The reason for this option lies in the fact that the parish has seen a recent development of new residential districts and for this reason the whole area has received a new and superior pastoral attention, with visits and Masses in the houses. In the new neighbourhoods, moreover, the establishment of a new Salesian work is also planned, complete with an oratory.