Through the Christmas Campaign, which brought together students, families and educators in 2023, it was possible to strengthen the "SolSal Bank" warehouse with specific products for children, hygiene and foodstuffs. In total, thanks to everyone'S solidarity, 188 packs of nappies (diapers), 239 packs of baby care products, 194 hygiene products (toothpaste, deodorants, body wash, etc.) and 2,750 packs of food products – including olive oil, rice, pasta, biscuits, breakfast cereals, milk, cereals, beans and tuna - were collected.
"SolSal" in Lisbon currently accompanies 84 families, for a total of 293 people, of which 184 are children and young people. Throughout the year, these children benefit from diversified responses for their integral development and their families are supported with basic necessities, in order to minimise the situations of poverty in which they find themselves. This support is possible thanks to the solidarity of many people who, also through this Christmas Campaign, have illuminated many homes with the Light of the Child Jesus.
Salesian solidarity campaigns were organised not only in Lisbon, but also in Évora, throughout the Christmas period. The school community, children, young people and their families have put all their efforts into helping the most vulnerable.
At the nursery and kindergarten, on the occasion of Food Day and thanks to the "Dreams that multiply" campaign and the "Exchanges of love" project, about half a ton of food was collected. The assets collected will then be distributed to families benefiting from Évora's "SolSal" Family Assistance Service.
No one, therefore, was left behind and everyone had the courage to dream big, just as Pope Francis asks.