Coinciding with the 164th anniversary of the birth of the Congregation, Salesians and lay people of the Generalate, but currently scattered in various communities and temporary locations throughout Italy due to the renovation works that are affecting the Sacred Heart Basilica complex, gathered at the "Sacro Cuore" building in Rome for the event.
The event began with a welcome address by the Secretary of the Economer General, Fr Luís Otávio Botasso, who coordinated the day, and Fr Francesco Marcoccio, the new Rector of the Generalate Community.
Next, Br Muller took the floor, who, offered a panoramic view of the current realities across the world and the commitment of the Church and the Congregation to improve it. This was possible, thanks to the contacts he has established by virtue of his role with all the Salesians of the world, and also to the journeys he has made directly in recent months. In his speech, he was able to highlight both the great challenges that affect the whole of humanity (wars and violence in different parts of the world, poverty, climate change...) and the reasons for hope that come from so many sources and are cultivated in so many Salesian presences (ecclesial and Salesian commitment to integral ecology, new vocations from developing countries, the Congregation's journey towards sustainable development...).
After this, Fr Marcoccio presented a immersive meditation on Christmas, starting from the humanity of the Holy Family as a combination of Mary's maternity, the filiality of the Child Jesus and the paternity of St Joseph. With a simple but evocative language, Fr Marcoccio offered to all those present, an invitation to pass on the light that they had received through their best traits towards their neighbours, themselves and God.
After a further moment of personal testimony by Br Alberto Rodríguez Marmol, SDB, the Treasurer of the Congregation - during which the possibility of Confessions were also offered, the culmination of the day was reached with the Eucharist presided over in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart by Cardinal Fernández Artime.
During his spontaneous homily, the Cardinal emphasised the availability of Mary and St Joseph to God's plan. He particularly emphasized the gentleness and meekness of both, which clashes with the logic of power and the attitudes of violence that often characterize the world and the informative age that surrounds us today.
Then, in a paternal tone, the Tenth Successor of Don Bosco reminded those present, of the need to make a personal commitment towards finding the meaning and of each one’s life and not to live passively and in a spirit of pure expectation.
Finally, he recalled to all, the richness of the true message of Christmas. "If we, here, Salesians and lay people, are not careful, we risk losing the centrality of Christmas, which really tells us: 'God is with us!' But if instead, we allow God to come closer to our lives, to our families, then everything changes! Then we have everything!"
The day of celebration finally ended with a moment of fraternal agape, during which the Rector Major reaffirmed his gratitude to all the Salesians and lay people involved in the central services of the Congregation. It was indeed a time to commemorate together, in typical Salesian cheerfulness, the 164th anniversary of the founding of the Congregation.