Hong Kong – Celebrating St Zatti’s Feast with the East Asia - Oceania Regional Councillor in Hong Kong Tang King Po College

14 November 2023

(ANS – Hong Kong) – Fr Joseph Nguyen Thinh Phuoc, Regional Councillor for East Asia - Oceania, visited Hong Kong Tang Kang Po College on behalf of the Rector Major. The visit begin with the Holy Eucharist in memory of St Artemides Zatti, presided over by Fr Carlos Cheung, and concelebrated by Fr Joseph Ng, Provincial of China, it was attended by more than 60 teachers and students. During the Mass, Fr Ng welcomed the relics of St Artemides. The relics of St Zatti will remain in the school chapel, reminding students of the need to follow the virtues and testimony of the new Salesian saint, and to be inspired to the Salesian Brother Vocation.

In his sermon, the Regional Councillor reminded students and teachers to follow the example of St Zatti’s joyful approach, who dedicated his entire life to caring for the poor and the sick. He established two hospitals to share the joy that comes from God. He encouraged students to learn from the saint and to share the joy of our faith with others, especially in difficulties, setbacks, or even in sinfulness. Towards the end of the Mass, all of them prayed for “Salesian Brothers Vocations” together. After the blessing, Fr Nguyen and Fr Ng distributed gifts and the Holy Pictures of St Zatti.

During the morning assembly, the Regional Councillor shared with the students and teachers two characteristics of the Salesian schools: (1) to strive for moral and academic improvement; and (2) to find the source of joy, Jesus Christ, in school. Afterwards, led by Principal Wong Ka Ming and accompanied by Fr Carlos Cheung and Fr Joseph Ng, Vice Principal Yeung, and teachers, we toured around the campus and had a look at students attending their lessons, while Principal Wong introduced the school’s history, activities and development.

Fr Joseph Phuoc expressed his appreciation to the school, particularly mentioning the strong religious atmosphere. He encouraged the school administrators to deepen the Preventive System in the Salesian spirit, by fostering the family spirit, getting to know each student individually, and living the “Sacramental Presence” like the Salesians. He urged them to continue working together with the entire Church through education to share the joy of life and faith to others.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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