Brazil – The Salesian St John Bosco Province, Belo Horizonte, is among the 100 best NGOs in the country for the fifth time

02 November 2023

(ANS – Belo Horizonte) – The "Melhores ONGs" (Best NGOs) award have announced the 100 Brazilian third sector organisation winners for 2023. The list, now available on the website, lists the names of organisations recognised for their best practices in areas such as governance, transparency, communication and funding. And for the fifth time the Salesian St John Bosco Brazil-Belo Horizonte   Province (BBH) is on this prestigious list.

This is the seventh edition of the Award, organised by the "O Mundo que Quiero" Institute (IOMQQ – The World We Want) and the "Doar" (Donate) Institute sponsored by the Ambev VOA program and supported by the  "Humanize", "Prosas" and "Toyota do Brasil" Institutes.

“The Best NGOs award confirms our commitment to accountability management and transparency. It shows that we are on the right path and reinforces in us the desire to improve and professionalise our management practices more and more "said Fr José Ricardo Mole, Vice-Provincial, as well as Strategic Director of the BBH Province.

“Strive to be better to serve better. This is what this award represents for us, the Salesian Family, which we receive for the fifth time. Our children, adolescents and young people deserve the best from us, the best opportunities, the best projects, in short, the best that can contribute to their full development. Congratulations to all those who believe daily in the mission of educating and evangelising. This award is ours!"said Carolina Neves, head of Social Action for the Province.

“When we established the Melhores awards, our aim was to encourage a culture of giving in Brazil. Over the years, it has become something bigger than this. Today we are already certain that being on the list of the best can change the history of an organisation”, commented Cássia Christe, Director of IOMQQ.

“The award is a recognition to organisations committed to doing good in all ways, for all audiences, for all causes. When you hear the word ‘NGO’, you already understand that there is a group of people who have created a non-profit association for the common good. This is the beauty of society that works to solve problems” said Alexandre Mansur, IOMQQ's Project Manager.

The results of the special categories will be announced during the official awards ceremony, scheduled for December 2023. In addition to the top 100, the best NGOs by state will also be awarded, per cause, to the ten best small NGOs, the best among them and the best NGO of the year. “It's a well-established event, but every year we like to reserve surprises. This year, at the live ceremony, we will bring something new” warned Marcelo Estraviz, Director of the”Doar” Institute.

The Salesians in BBH Province have been working for 76 years to promote young people in situations of social vulnerability. Following the spirit of Don Bosco, they are dedicated to the education and evangelisation of young people, through teamwork and projects in schools, universities, social works, festive oratories and parishes, developed thanks to 1,700 collaborators and about 860 volunteers, in the States of Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, Goiás, Tocantins and the Federal District.

To get an idea of the social impact of the educational and pastoral initiatives of the BBH Salesians, just look at some numbers inherent in the interventions carried out for the benefit of all of society:

- 76 years dedicated to the education and evangelisation of young people;

- 5 States (Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, Goiás, Tocantins) and the Federal District;

- 3 areas of activity: social action, education and evangelisation;

- 10 social works and projects;

- 4,310 children and adolescents assisted monthly by social works;

 3,157 young people placed in a protected way in the labour market under supervision;

- 39 projects developed by schools in relation to 9 pedagogical pillars;

- 967 institutional collaborations developed;

- 12 schools of basic education;

- 34,800 items collected in the year (food baskets, hygiene and cleaning kits, food products, clothes, toys, warm clothes, appliances and even homes).

Since 2017, the "Melhores ONGs" award has recognised the fundamental work done by non-governmental institutions in Brazil and also serves as a beacon to guide donations from benefactors. It also encourages best practice and helps to improve management by all participants, including non-winning institutions which also receive detailed feedback from the evaluation.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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