He also addressed a brief greeting to the audience gathered in the Auditorium, where a festive academy was held to mark the event. Speaking of the Congregation's logo, he recalled that "our presence among the young is irreplaceable. Being close to the young is the formula devised by Don Bosco so that every house becomes a family'. At the end of the day, he had a meeting with the young people who had attended the event.
On Sunday 22nd October, he preached a homily in the parish of the Salesian house in Ełk, where many families and young people from the oratory were present. He drew attention to the fact that "every boy and girl are golden talents offered to us, the Salesians; they are in the world the true gold coins bearing the image and inscription of God. To Caesar what’s his due and to God, the person of our young people, with all their heart, their beauty, their light, and the living memory of God'.
Afterwards, a meeting was held with the young people and animators of the oratory, and their families. Fr García Morcuende recalled that "the attentive gaze and trust offered to young people open up many opportunities in the oratory". He also invited the audience to take care of certain aspects such as: "closeness to the world of youth with flexibility and creativity; a welcoming attitude and a personalized attention to each one, participation and responsibility of the young people who are fully involved themselves" as of paramount importance in Youth Ministry. At the end of the day, he presented medals to the players of the multi-sports championship.
The next day he went to Łódź, visiting the Salesian schools, Vocational Training Centres (VETs) and the Polytechnic and offered a 'good morning' thought to the young people.
Fr García Morcuende concluded his brief pastoral animative visit to Warsaw by recalling some very positive aspects: the large number of committed Salesians and the large turnout of young people in the houses; the growing care towards the ongoing formation of animators of the oratories/youth centres; the emerging plans to open new schools and Technical Training Centres to meet the training needs of young people; the Volunteering is the way forward to the rule of law (Wolontariat drogą do praworządności) project and the many well-run parishes, churches and shrines in terms of pastoral care for the Polish population.
Undoubtedly, among the challenges are: the renewal of Salesian youth pastoral processes with a clear vocational dimension; the continuous training of leaders and management personnel; discernment to face the new challenges of Polish society; the continuous care of interpersonal relationships of direct contact with young people, exchange of values and shared experiences; and finally, in line with the charism, with their witness and apostolic works, Salesians must always ensure attention to the young people most in need, especially in the new educational-pastoral projects.