RMG – The Rector Major in Boretto on the first anniversary of the Canonisation of Saint Artremides Zatti

05 October 2023

(ANS – Rome) – On the occasion of the first anniversary of the Canonsation of Salesian brother Artemides Zatti, on the weekend of 7-8 October 2023 the Rector Major of the Salesians and Nnewly created Cardinal, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, will travel to Boretto, Zatti's hometown, as an illustrious guest for two full days of events and significant appointments. In the circumstances, on Sunday 8th he will also be awarded honorary citizenship of the small Emilian municipality.

The entire citizenry will be involved in the many activities planned. It will begin on Saturday morning (9 am – UTC+2) with the presentation in the Teatro del Fiume (River Theatre) of the book on Zatti "Artemide  giocava a campana". Subsequently, at 4 pm, the presentation of the “Artemides Zatti, heaven by bicycle” Exhibition will take place at St Mark's Basilica, with the possibility of guided tours.

The arrival of the Rector Major is scheduled for 6 p.m., and will be accompanied by a festive welcome and then a get-to-know-you and exchange, again in the basilica, between the citizens of Zatti and the Superior General of the Congregation in which the Salesian holy brother made his vows.

8 October will open with a festive procession through the streets of the municipality, up to the local basilica, where the Rector Major will celebrate the Sunday Mass.

At the end of the celebration, then, the central act of the weekend will take place, the conferral on Fr Á.F. Artime of the citizenship of Boretto.

Finally, in the early afternoon (2:45 pm) the Zatti festival will be take place once more, a walk full of youthful energy, colour and music, to rediscover the symbolic places of Zatti in Boretto.

All activities are organised by the municipality of Boretto and the pastoral unit of Boretto, Brescello and Gualtieri, a community that is already experiencing the anticipation in an atmosphere of great festivity. In fact, the local parish priest, Fr Giancarlo Minotta, testified: 'It is important to be able to celebrate and celebrate all together, and we must make many share in the joy. Young people are going door-to-door to inform the local population and many adults are moving to organise the various appointments. And around all this, the Salesian world. (…) The meaning of these two days is first of all to celebrate, to receive a gift. A world-famous saint is a great gift.”


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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