The danger of cholera is very real in a country where even before the hurricane, only 1 in 3 people had access to adequate latrines and fewer than 3 out of 5 had access to drinking water. The first truck with tablets for water treatment and water tanks arrived in Les Cayes on Thursday. Six water trucks are on their way to Les Cayes and Jeremie. A water tank has also been made available to the hospital in Les Cayes.
The Salesian relief machine has already been set in motion. The major Mission Offices have launched fundraising days. For the operational phase they can avail themselves of the facilities and expertise already set up following the 2010 earthquake.
The Salesian Superior in Haiti, Fr Mesidor, has released a video in which he says that the south is completely isolated from the rest of the country, "because the bridge that connects with the capital was destroyed. Even telephone communication is very difficult."
Plagued by social, political and economic problems, and by natural disasters, Haiti is a country that suffers. "Imagine that we have not finished rebuilding the infrastructure that was destroyed by the 2010 earthquake!" says Fr Mesidor.
However, he says that "as Salesians we must be where we are needed, where there are thousands of young people who need the support of a helping hand."
He concludes by saying: "Our project office, the Rinaldi Foundation, is coordinating whatever aid we get. Thanks for everything and let us be united in prayer."
The full video is available in Italian and also with subtitles in English and Spanish, on the ANSChannel.