Spain – “A dream for you”: the Salesians campaign in Spain for the 23/24 pastoral year

28 June 2023

(ANS – Madrid) – The Salesians in Spain have launched the pastoral campaign for 2023-2024 with the motto “Un sueño para ti” (“A dream for you”). This is the second joint campaign of the two Salesian Provinces in the country, Mary Help of Christians (SMX) and St James the Greater (SSM) Provinces, after the successful experience of this year under the motto “Abrimos caminos” (“Let's open roads”). “On the bicentenary of Don Bosco's dream at 9 years of age, we want to revitalise the Salesian vocation by awakening, accompanying and supporting the vocational commitment of young people and lay people in our Educative and Pastoral Communities"' say the Salesians in the document presenting the new pastoral campaign.

The objective of the campaign is to follow three core ideas ranging from “A vocational dream: spiritual dimension” to “A shared dream: community dimension” to “A committed dream: social dimension”.

First of all, the motto invites us to dream big “working on First Proclamation  (the Good shepherd and his gentleness), on vocation and mission (the vocational year, John's call in the dream), on the family (Mamma Margaret, discernment), on the violent scene in the dream (nightmares, injuries, lack of clarity, mental health, violence in the world, roses and thorns), on the presence of Mary in the life of each and in their family (“I will give you a Teacher”)”, the Salesians explain.

A second point promotes dreaming together "starting from synodality, from discernment about what God asks of each of us in this historical moment, and as a community: development of the Educative and Pastoral Communities and the Salesian Educative and Pastoral Project."

A third key idea relates to daydreaming: “from dreams we pass to projects, to live the best version of ourselves, like Jesus of Nazareth. God loves us as we are, but he dreams that we will be better, and therefore invites us to be practical, choosing commitment and building the Kingdom, as Don Bosco did with his whole life.”

The pastoral campaign is addressed to everyone in Salesian houses (young people, leaders, educators, Salesians, etc.), and is conveyed through the educative and pastoral communities.

As usual, the campaign has a wide variety of resources such as videos, dossiers and activities, among others. On this occasion, a national website continues to be used as a meeting point to host all these materials.

A first video presents the campaign guidelines for each month – and the introductory video for the motto is already available.

The main reference document can be found in the campaign development, which contains the emphases that will be worked on gradually during over the course of the year. As in previous years, a schedule of monthly celebrations has been included, as well as some inter-religious celebrations, taking into account the diversity of Salesian houses and situations.

Educators can find a section on the site  on how to make the most of the campaign in classrooms, leisure activities, the parish, etc. Proposals have been included for age groups to organise convivial activities, activities for youth centres, ideas for  the "good morning"...


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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