America – Cooperation as a leaven for Salesian social works

19 June 2023

(ANS) – A second meeting took place  on 7 and 8 June 2023 of Non-Governmental Development Organisations, Offices for the Protection of the Rights of Children and Adolescents, Salesian Mission Offices s and the Social Sector of the Salesian Social America Network – the network of social services for children, adolescents and young people in danger of social exclusion in America. The event was attended by more than 120 people representing the various institutions involved, as well as representatives of the Rede Salesiana Brasile.

This year the event explored the theme “Cooperation as leaven in Salesian social works” and sought to encourage room for interaction and sharing on strengthening institutional alliances to respond to the needs of the youth population and contribute to reducing social and economic inequalities.

On the first day, the results of development were shared and Fr Rafael Bejarano, contact person for Social Works in the Youth Ministry Sector, highlighted the importance of institutional development and cooperation. In addition, Prof. Daniel Llanos, from the Salesian Polytechnic University in Ecuador, presented a presentation entitled: “The emerging challenges of the youth population in America (post-pandemic analysis)”.

Subsequently, as a result of a previous combined effort at the sub-regional level, the Provinces presented the youth phenomena that they perceive as most relevant in each of their situations, while also identifying the Salesian responses to these problems. On this occasion, they also presented proposals for specific projects at provincial and network level which meet some of the needs expressed.

On the second day of work, NGOs and Salesian MissionOffices shared their priority interventions, mechanisms for appeals and the criteria for evaluating the requests received.

Representing the Rete Salesiana Brasil (RSB), Sister Silvia Aparecida da Silva, Executive Director of the network, as well as the National Coordinator of the Social Action sector, Carolina Neves Oliveira, accompanied by her Committee made up of the Provincial Coordinators of Salesian Social Action in Brazil, participated in the event.

“A closer coordination between RASS and RSB took place in 2020, following encouragement from Fr Gabriel Romero, Regional Councillor for America South Cone. Since then we have organised joint meetings to strengthen activities by the two networks. For this meeting on June 7 and 8, one of the tasks was to understand, as a country or region, what are the greatest challenges to be faced in relation to young people and what is the response we are giving as a Salesian Family. Our National Committee for Social Action has chosen the difficulties encountered by young people in entering the working world. In this regard, the Mundo Aprendiz project one of the strategies adopted by the RSB to contribute to the development of the skills and abilities of the younger generations” explained Sister Aparecida da Silva on the sidelines of the work.

“For us in the Salesian Social Action Sector in Brazil, who are constantly and daily committed to continue strengthening the great network we have, it was really important to be at this event, to share our experiences and strengthen institutional alliances with other countries and networks in the Salesian world. It is part of our charismatic commitment to find ways and responses to the challenges that our young people experience, and contribute to the reduction of inequalities, following the example of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello, ”Ms Carolina Neves Oliveira concluded.

Sources: RSB, RASS


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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