Mexico - Lectio Divina: an ancient itinerary with new personal, community, and pastoral possibilities

24 April 2023

(ANS - Tlazala) - The Spiritual Exercises of the Directors and Provincial Councils of the two Salesian Provinces of Mexico, animated by Fr. Miguel Angel García Morcuende, General Councilor for Youth Ministry, have ended. The Spiritual Exercises were held from April 16 to 22 at the retreat house of Tlazala, belonging to the Salesian Province of Mexico City (MEM).

From the beginning, the General Councilor for Youth Ministry stressed, in light of Article 91 of the Salesian Constitutions, that the Salesian Exercises are meant to open the eyes, awaken the mind and examine the heart. Daily meditations and celebrations focused on the prayerful, communal reading of the Word of God (Lectio Divina). More than a method of believing reading, it was a school of spirituality in which each Salesian could approach the proposed text and make his own experience of God. From there, some "architectural elements" of religious life, Salesian vocation, and Salesian apostolic identity were highlighted.

The 47 participants appreciated the Lectio Divina, understood as an ancient itinerary with new personal, community, and pastoral possibilities. Fr. Miguel Angel García Morcuende invited them to interpret ten New Testament stories in particular, with a simple and clear itinerary. This consisted of a few steps: reading, meditation, prayer, contemplation, and commitment. The Directors thus made a personal commitment to bring the Word heard to life in their local realities.

Through the Word, God reaches the heart. Therefore, the strength of the Salesian's spirituality and pastoral action will be exactly proportional to the place of the Bible in his life and thoughts. It is the Lord of history who sustains us and invites us to faithfulness and fecundity. He cares for His "remnant," looks with mercy and benevolence upon His work, and continues to send His Holy Spirit. The closer we come to God's Word, the more we will be able to experience the future with hope. 

The Directors emphasized how these Spiritual Exercises were an experience of communion in the fraternity, where pastoral charity was present in order to live attentively, to know what is happening in the world, and to have our eyes and hearts open to what is most urgent for the Kingdom. The Salesians relived the love God has for them; the same grace that nurtures the Salesian's inner freedom, total detachment, and availability for the mission. A love that liberates and makes possible consecration in poverty, chastity, obedience, and fraternity.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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