The project comes from the vocation of the Salesians in Spain on behalf of young people and seeks to unify and make known the educational and pastoral project of the Salesians in Spain. “Mindful of what is says in Matthew 10.8, ‘You received without payment, give without payment’ and of our mission in the Church in the service of youth,” the Salesians say “we are presenting various programmes that we have devised for the evangelization of young people."
The site is intended primarily for educational and pastoral workers involved in training young people - leaders, catechists, teachers, educators - within the Salesian mission, but caters for all educational and pastoral agents in the Church.
This new digital space is meant to be a showcase of the Salesian pastoral project, but also a resource place for formation and pastoral reflection.
There are sections on CNSPJ, the Salesian Youth Movement and the Salesian vocation; and there are also materials on a new programme of education to the faith, as well as a guide to prayer. Of interest to visitors will be the sections with a database of the pastoral magazines "Misión Joven" and "Catequistas", and a pastoral blog where educators can share experiences, ideas and thoughts.
It is worth noting, too, that the ADMA site was renewed recently with very attractive graphics, a different organization of the content and some new sections providing visitors with wider opportunities of information, communication and formation.