At the opening of the proceedings, Fr. Juan Pablo Alcas, Provincial of Peru, welcomed all participants, appreciating their efforts to be present, especially for the situation Peru is experiencing in some provinces. Then, he also thanked the General Councilor for Formation, who also remained in Peru at the end of the Inter-American Region's Team Visit to spend a period of reflection with the youth, the laity, and the Salesian Family.
Fr. García Morcuende then took the floor, saying he was happy to be able to share these days of encounter with all those present, especially since this visit had been planned as early as 2020, but was postponed because of the pandemic.
During the three days of work, the topic of reflection was the CEP. And thanks to his talk, Father García Morcuende clarified for good what it is, what its purpose is, what its specific functions are, who is part of it...
Then, the General Councilor for Youth Ministry delivered four fundamental words to describe the CEP: reflection, dialogue, planning, and evaluation of educational and pastoral action. The purpose of the CEP, he then defined, is to coordinate and animate the service of the unity of the Salesian Educational Pastoral Project (PEPS) of the entire Salesian house. Among its main functions, he added further, are:
- Fostering communion and collaboration on the common needs of the work;
- Maintaining communion and collaboration with groups in the Salesian Family;
- Listening and giving attention to the general contextual needs of the youth in the area;
- Guarantee Salesian identity;
- Encourage joint formation, especially in spirituality;
- Promote information and communication among all environments;
- Establish joint actions within the annual program.
Before concluding his presentation, Fr. García Morcuende asked those present, "What is it, then, that makes us different from other institutions?" From the answers, it emerged that:
- Each Salesian work is a house that welcomes…
- In which the pedagogy of the environment is lived, where to find familiarity, closeness, trust;
- It is a parish that evangelizes.
- The courtyard is the second chapel of the Salesian home.
- It is a pleasant presence, with moral and affective strength.
- It is a school that educates to life.
In the evening, before closing the first day of work, Fr. Uriel Jáuregui, Delegate for Salesian Youth Ministry in Peru, reflected on the following: "We are experiencing new ways and styles of our charism. We need to recalculate the path, without losing sight of our goals and objectives."