Spain – "Salesian" sport: a humanizing, educational and pastoral element

28 March 2023

(ANS - Madrid) - Last Saturday, March 25, the Salesian Provincial House in Madrid, Spain-Saint James the Greater (SSM) Province hosted the Salesian Day of Sports. About 40 sports leaders from different Salesian houses attended the event.

The meeting, organized by the Educational Sports Commission of the Salesian Provinces of Spain-Maria Help of Christians (SMX) and SSM, was a celebration of educational sports by the Salesians of Spain, and was attended by local educational sports leaders, physical education teachers, sports activity leaders, associations and sports clubs.

This year's program included presentations by Iñaki Alonso, Head of Protection at Athletic Club, who spoke about protection and the creation of safe spaces in sports; Alberto Martín, Director of the Training Methodology Area at Real Betis, who explained the application of these methods in grassroots sports; and Gonzalo Quintana, from the technical secretariat of Atletico Madrid, who spoke on the topic of working with the club's nursery. Three proposals on the protection of minors in sports, methodology and work with youth in sports.

"It was a great space to be able to share experiences related to the protection of minors in sport, sharing a table with people from other important clubs. It was very nice," manifested Iñaki Alonso.

In addition, in the afternoon, participants had the opportunity to dialogue in a much closer form.

Father Xabier Camino, Youth Ministry Delegate for the Salesians of SSM, commented the same Saturday on Twitter, "Today we celebrated the Salesian Day of Educational Sports. We were accompanied by experts from three important clubs, who encouraged us to care for sports in our homes as a humanizing, educational and pastoral element." Along the same lines was Diego Pérez Ordoñez, member of the SMX Commission for Educational Sports.

Sport is educational, in the variety of Salesian works and presences, when it is framed in the Educational-Pastoral Project of the Center, with clear and concrete objectives, a defined structure, beyond improvisation, and animated with concreteness by serious, responsible and value-bearing people. These elements can undoubtedly validate sport as an integral educational medium, with its rich range of possibilities.

But sport is also a wonderful platform for pastoral action. There are a number of elements that make sport a place of evangelical and pastoral proposal in a Salesian key for children and young people, such as its wide capacity for aggregation and group formation; the development of values such as commitment, solidarity, discipline, altruism, and concern for the work of others; and the possibility of sharing experiences and patterns of identification, with a great sense of trust and openness to other team members and sports educators.



ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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