The book is mainly photographic, with images by Gregorz Galazka and texts by the Rector Major of the Salesians of Don Bosco, Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime. The papal speeches and homilies are also collected there. Various photos come from the Argentine Salesian Archive, from ANS, and from the Vatican. Taken as a whole, it is like finding a document of historical value which can certainly make this figure of holy nurse and Salesian brother better known. The latter is a specific Salesian vocation to which the founder himself, St. John Bosco, held dearly.
"St. Artemis Zatti," Fr. Á.F. Artime wrote in a letter accompanying the volume, "has brought us back to the simple but demanding holiness of the Salesians engaged in daily work and has made us rediscover aspects of our history that were perhaps too soon forgotten. Pope Francis has repeatedly called our memory and attention to Salesian Patagonia, an authentic paradigm of generous toil and unquestioning donation to God and neighbor."