"It was a day full of colour and emotion. It began very early with a warm welcome and a special encounter with God in the Holy Mass. Then we enjoyed a hymn to Don Bosco and a leisurely afternoon with dancing, sports, Salesian games and other entertainment," said Wilma Buceta, educational psychology team leader of the Don Bosco Project.
More than 1,350 girls and boys took part in the celebrations. Don Bosco’s charism and Salesian values such as kindness, joy and family spirit, were visibly present on this festive day that was greatly enjoyed by children and adolescents from families in Santa Cruz. The event was organized by the Don Bosco Project. It was a day of many emotions and especially of gratitude to God for the good that is being done.
Two family gatherings are planned for the year 2016 simply to offer a festive occasion for the various families of Santa Cruz. "They will gather as sisters, brothers and friends in a party to be enjoyed by all." "This year 2016 is even more special because we are celebrating 25 years of life, a 25-year journey together, 25 years of work in the fight for the defence of Human Rights, 25 years working for Don Bosco’s preferential option," said the team leader of the psychology department of the Don Bosco Project.
We also want to express gratitude for these 25 years to the Director of the Don Bosco Project, Fr Octavio Sabbatin," a Salesian with a welcoming heart who keeps the great family of the Don Bosco Project united.