After the Mass 200 young people marched to the main arena to launch the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM). The Don Bosco Rural Training Centre (DBRTC) head boy and girl raised the Solomon Islands National flag and the National Anthem. Head catechist Mr. Sam Toba then led the assembly in prayer.
All the guests and performers were then welcomed by the Parish Chairman Mr. Moses Tate. Brief speeches from the guests about the importance of youth participation in Nation building then followed.
The 200 SYM youth made their promise as members of the SYM and officially launched Salesian Youth Movement in the Solomon Islands. Fr. Robinson Parappilly, Rector and Parish Priest, encouraged the young people to build their lives on Christian values based on the Spirituality of Don Bosco.
Fr. Robinson Parappilly asked the SYM members if they were ready to say yes to the Will of God by being obedient as Salesian Youth and serving their country as Good Christians and Honest citizens. "Are you ready to establish the family of love by living together in harmony and communion with your brothers and sisters by participating in all youth activities of the Parish and ready to sacrifice your life for Christ?", he asked. After their strong 'YES' the Parish Priest asked them to take their Pledge as Members of the Salesian Youth Movement.
The young pledge made their pledge in the following words:
“We, the members of Salesian Youth Movement, on the 44th Independence Day of Solomon Islands make the solemn promise:
We pledge to build our Christian life based on the educational and evangelical values of St. John Bosco, to be faithful, loyal, and honest citizens to serve with all our strength, promote unity and communion among our brothers and sisters and build up a family of love using the support system based on the Preventive System of Don Bosco.
We pledge to build our lives with religious principles, using our God-given reasoning power, love, and kindness. We promise to live the five aspects of Salesian Youth Spirituality namely:
Spirituality of Daily living - doing our duties extraordinarily well,
Spirituality of Joy and Optimism - to bring happiness and joy in the life of people,
Spirituality of Friendship with Lord Jesus and Mary - by praying our daily prayers and attending the church services,
Spirituality of communion with Church by contributing for the unity and church,
Spirituality of responsible service to our beautiful country of Solomon Islands - by taking care of the environment and protecting the flora and fauna of our beautiful nation.
So help us God”.
This was followed by a competition for children and Youth. The topics were: 1. How do I honour my country and 2. How do I care for my environment?
The children came out courageously and spoke on the theme which empowered many people. For the youth, it was an exhibition of cultural heritage. The cultural performances continued for the rest of the day.
Fr. Ambrose Pereira, SDB
Catholic Bishops’ Conference Secretary for Social Communications