The conference is organized by the Institute of Spiritual Theology of the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Salesian University. The scientific committee, coordinated by Professor Wim Collin, SDB, unveiled the conference’s official website today. Information about the conference is available on the website, such as the schedule, the speakers with the different talks they will give and the congregations and institutes that will participate in the conference, the possibility to register, and so on.
The congress, which will be held in Rome at the Pontifical Salesian University from 18 to 20 November 2022, consists of two parts: the first part deals with congregations, institutes, and religious societies that have Francis de Sales as their patron and source of inspiration; the second part of the congress studies a wide variety of topics that have their origin in the spirituality, life, and writings of St. Francis de Sales.
All information is available at: