The program was moderated by Fr Silvio Roggia, of the Department for Formation, who after the initial greetings recalled the relevance of the fourth centenary of the death of Saint Francis de Sales, in whose name Don Bosco wanted to call us the Salesian Family.
Subsequently, the Rector Major emphasized what the Strenna means for the Salesian Family, reiterating that it does not want to be a "pastoral program", but a point of communion and reference for all 32 groups that are part of it. “In the trips made, especially in the previous six-year term, visiting our 32 groups, in many different countries, I have always found references to the Strenna and I think this harmony is the most precious thing.”
During the interview, the Rector Major highlighted the profound consonance of spirit and also of characteristics linked to their life experience, even after centuries, that exists between Don Bosco and Saint Francis de Sales, "two giants which succeed each other in the Salesian charism. First of all, because both are a great gift in the Church and secondly because Don Bosco, like no other, was able to translate the spiritual strength of Francis de Sales into the education and daily evangelization of his poor children."
The dialogue focused on how to revive this doubly Salesian charismatic richness in the present day of 2022, to which the Strenna introduces us. Fr Ángel recalled many realities of the Salesian Family in the world, with concrete examples, also recalling the great challenges that are being experienced in countries tried by serious crisis situations. But the prevailing tone was that of hope: “We have never lost the mission of going to find young people where they are and not where we think they should be.”
The dialogue touched on other aspects that characterize the figure of St. Francis de Sales, starting with having made the Church understand that holiness is a viable path for everyone, from the bishop to the mother of a family.
During the interview, there was the opportunity to intervene to ask questions to the Rector Major. Thanks to the connection through the Zoom online platform, there were interventions from various countries (Guatemala, Brazil, Spain, Papua New Guinea…) with questions on various topics related to the Strenna.
At the end of the interview, the video of the Strenna 2022 was then announced, the final version of which, in Italian and then in other languages, is in the works and will be released soon.
The interview with the Rector Major is available on the ANSChannel and, in five languages, on the ANS Facebook page.