Spain - Planning and measurement with social networks, as the spearhead of communication training

21 December 2021

(ANS - Madrid) - Over 50 local Social Communication Delegates from the Salesian presences in Spain took part in the third formation session of the course dedicated to them on the morning of Tuesday 14 December. On this occasion, the specific objective was to deepen the tools for planning and measuring content on social networks.

Among the aspects addressed, the importance of social networks as a key tool in the digital world, capable of changing how Salesian presences and entities interact and plan their activities, was underscored. "It is clear that they are a fundamental tool that guides the new model of communication, learning and pastoral style," commented Carlos Martín, Communication Delegate of the Salesian Province of Spain-Mary Help of Christians, in the introduction to the session.

Due to the expansion of the Internet, social networks have become the primary means of communication for young people. In addition to commenting on some advantages and opportunities that this entails, there was time to discuss the main tasks of the network manager, who must ensure the creation of a marketing plan, establish detailed budgets for social actions, propose valuable actions to achieve the goals set by the organization, and design a crisis action manual.

 “Although social networks provide several positive aspects in the field of education, it is also essential to keep in mind that they take too much time to devote to them,” added Carlos Martín as an important factor to consider. From this starting point, with the help of Antonino Gómez, during the second part of the session, the participants were able to learn about "Metricol", a tool that allows users to analyze, manage and measure the results of all digital content generated by Salesian entities and presences.

"It offers you everything you need for your digital strategy in one place, from analyzing the web and content of your blog, planning social networks, to carrying out studies on your competition and analyzing and managing your online ads,” explained the speaker. Which are the most successful pages, the most visited, and the ones where readers spend the most time? Are your campaigns working? Which social networks generate the most traffic?

In short, it was a useful session to analyze in detail the traffic and effort concentrated on networks and the web.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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