Spain – Seville’s "San Juan Bosco" Higher Education Institute receives "Manuel Sales y Ferré" award

25 October 2021

(ANS - Seville) – On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the "San Juan Bosco" Institute, celebrated in the 2019-2020 academic year, the University of Seville awarded the "Manuel Sales y Ferré" prize to the Salesian school for "the merits and exceptional services rendered by those people and institutions who have distinguished themselves in favor of culture". Not being able to award it at that time due to the pandemic, the prize will be delivered tomorrow, Tuesday 26 October, at 19:30, at the University itself, in a ceremony of homage to Salesian education that will be open to all those who wish to participate.

The event will consist of a few words of welcome, a laudatio of the Salesian Higher Education Institute and the consignment of the prize, a statuette of the figure of Pallas Athena, to the Rector of the Institute, Fr Miguel Ángel Álvarez Paulino.

The Salesians of Don Bosco have been accompanying the university students of Seville in their "home" since 1943.; In the beginning, they started this ministry with a first group of students who were hosted in the Salesian house of "San Benito de Calatrava" in the center of Seville, when the current building was under construction at "Calle Arroyo". The word “home” is not a metaphor for Salesians, because it refers to the special atmosphere and educational style that characterizes their efforts and their works.

Even today the Salesians continue in their work of accompanying and promoting the integral development of university students and, faithful to their origins, they are committed to improving society through their attention to the education and evangelization of young people. Every year, at the beginning of the academic year, the "San Juan Bosco" Higher Education Institute opens its doors to more than one hundred university students willing to live an experience of education, friendship and companionship. Year after year, the Salesians do everything possible to achieve the educational and pastoral objectives of their mission with young people: to form good Christians and upright citizens through the methodology of the Preventive System.

During its more than seven decades of existence, the "San Juan Bosco" Higher Education Institute has contributed to enriching the political, academic, religious, cultural and social life of the city of Seville and of the whole country with its past pupils, who have held high-level responsibility in all areas of public life. They are the clear sign and the best testimony of the value and significance of this work and of the education that the Salesians, following the example of Don Bosco, continue to develop.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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