Spain – Over 500 Youth Animators of Salesian Youth Centers deepen the experience of prayer by praying

01 October 2021

(ANS - Madrid) - With the gradual return to normality, the Salesians in Spain want to deepen two fundamental aspects of their charism: Care for one’s internal life, prayer and presence. One of the most interesting proposals, in this sense, is the "De tú a Tú" initiative, organized by the "Spain-St James the Elder" Province (SSM) as part of its Education in the Faith Itinerary.

De tú a Tú consists of a day of formation on prayer addressed to young animators between 16 and 23 years of age. It is divided into different stages depending on the age of the children to whom the animators are dedicated (children, pre-adolescents, adolescents) and, at the same time, on the participants’ age as well. The workshops deepen the itinerary of prayer for the youngest. They help to experiment and learn how to animate different styles of prayer and celebration, as well as accompanying powerful moments of prayer. And, during the day, the animators learn to pray by praying.

“In this new academic year, in line with our Pastoral Campaign 'Passionate for Life', we have set out to accompany the prayer life of our Educational-Pastoral Communities, paying particular attention to the interior life of children, adolescents and young people who cultivate their interiority in our Youth Centers and in the groups of our Itinerary of Education in the Faith,” explained Fr Xabier Camino, Delegate for Youth Ministry of SSM.

After the success of the online event "The beauty of faith", organized last year, the Youth Ministry has decided to launch this initiative in person this year. The Salesian house in Deusto (Bilbao) hosted the first meeting on Saturday 11 September, 2021. On the weekend of 25 and 26 September the event was held at the Salesian house in Ourense. The last meeting will take place tomorrow, Saturday 2 October, at the Salesian house in Atocha, Madrid. In total, over 500 animators from the Salesian youth centers of the Province will thus complete this formation.

At all these locations, the program is the same: the Delegate for Youth Ministry explains the fundamental keys of this year's pastoral campaign, "Passionate about Life". Participants then share good pastoral practices and celebrate their faith together. A concert-testimony by the priest-singer-songwriter Toño Casado then concludes the event in a festive way.

"Re-beginning this type of gatherings in a face-to-face format is, without a doubt, a golden opportunity to share both educational and play spaces, through which the animators of our Youth Centers feel that they are the protagonists of their lives, of their vocation and their mission at the service of other young people, in the style of Don Bosco,” concludes Fr Camino.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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