Kenya – Formation seminar promoted by DBTA

24 August 2021

(ANS - Nairobi) - Last August 20, 15 "Job Service Offices" (JSO) of the Vocational Training Centers of the Africa-Madagascar Region completed a one-week training workshop conducted by Mrs Naidoo Fawzia, by Mr. Ashley Paul John and Mr. Fotoh Paul, of the “Catholic Institute of Education” (CIE). The seminar, promoted by “Don Bosco Tech Africa” (DBTA), was held at the “Don Bosco Youth Educational Services” (DBYES) in Nairobi.

The seminar's objective is to equip JSOs with the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to offer young people a better quality of life. The DBTA is convinced that thanks to education, the younger generations will be able to acquire the skills necessary for the transition to a productive adulthood.

In the opening speech of the workshop, the executive director of the DBTA, Fr TJ George greeted the participants and thanked them for taking the opportunity to participate in this training seminar. He recalled that the first part of the formation was conducted in June 2019 in Lagos, Nigeria, and that the DBTA had planned to carry out the second part in 2020. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic it was not possible. Fr TJ George expressed great satisfaction that most of the participants of the first meeting in Lagos were present in this second session, thus ensuring continuity.

Fr TJ George emphasized that, from the DBTA survey on the job market in 2018/2019, it was clear how important personal life skills were in formation. He therefore wanted to recall that the African Union (AU) also recognized the great role played by the DBTA in promoting and developing personal skills. Finally, he thanked the CIE for their close cooperation with the DBTA.

Speaking on behalf of the participants, Mr. Innocent Mutala, the Uganda JSO official, highlighted the lessons learned through this seminar. He pointed out that the coordinators explained the content well and that the participants appreciated the introduction of new topics. These included gender-based violence, the pandemic, the protection of personal information (data) and the methodology and technique of conducting a training seminar.

John Njuguna, Deputy Director of the DBTA, said that: "life skills are generally applied in the context of personal and community development." He then went on to recall that: "the graduates of Salesian TVET centers are generally appreciated more for their technical skills and for the life skills with which they enter the labor market."

The program developed following different learning methods which included lectures, practical sessions, group discussions and group projects. At the end of the seminar the participants received certificates.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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