Fr Silvio Roggia, from the Formation Department, recalled the Salesian origins: St. Francis de Sales and Don Bosco: "There is a true communion of saints within Don Bosco's educational and spiritual art, which does not come out of nowhere, but is nourished by deep roots, the work of the Spirit in the history of the Church that preceded it. It is neither an addition nor a replica: it is rather a new flowering and bearing fruit that is nourished by that work of the Spirit which has vivified the Church."
Maria Rita Scrimieri, Coordinator of the Opera dei Tabernacoli Viventi Study Center, presented the life and Eucharistic message of Vera Grita, highlighting the call and mandate addressed in the first instance to the Salesians.
Fr Roberto Carelli, professor of Theology at the International Institute of Turin-Crocetta, discussed and illustrated the mystical and missionary testimony of Vera Grita: "Jesus wants to be adored by those who are closest and close to those who are further away! He wants us to pass from Eucharistic repositioning to Eucharistic exposition, from adoration to mission! From reality to presence, from presence to permanence, from permanence to proximity, that is, from Christian charity to the very charity of Christ!”
“The Eucharist is not just a rite, it is not even the central moment of the day,” emphasized Fr Pascual Chávez in the homily of the concluding Mass. “The Eucharist is a person, the Lord Jesus dead, risen and awaited who desires in us, with us and through us Salesians to transform our lives first of all to reach young people and to be true living tabernacles in the world, as Don Bosco was.”
The Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, also met the seminar participants, highlighting the joy of seeing in depth a central message for the generativity of the charism: being a Eucharistic presence for young people through the maternal mediation of Mary Help of Christians. "Knowing that you were together to make this reflection also in the light of St. Francis de Sales, of Don Bosco, putting the Eucharist and the Eucharistic experience of Vera Grita at the center, tells me that we believe that God is the Lord of everything and accompanies history… Thanks for this initiative! Seeing you together seems to me a very precious gift, because what emerges is what is essential and which gives more depth to our charism.”